There's a place in Hell
A well with iron colour
All with stone it's made
It's known as Malebolge
Right in the middle
Of this evil field
Is an abyss
A broad and yawning pit
Centre of Malebolge
The belt, then, that extends
Between the pit and wall
Divides it into ten
Ditches of Malebolge
Ten valleys house of fraud
Thieves, liars, many more
Geryon landed on
First pouch of Malebolge
I will speak unwillingly
But I recall thine accent
Brings me back some memories
And forces me to answer thee
Here thou find me naked
So that I fall humiliated
Under thousand strokes
Of all these devils, they know how to whip
It was me who led Ghisolabella to the marquis
Out of greed I let him do her anything he wanted to
Before we leave look at that mighty one
Who does not seem to shed a tear
Still looks a royal man
Greek Jason
With polished words he tricked Hipsypyle
And left her and their child
Loathly place the one we've come to see
It's hard to breathe above this putrid filth
There're ones who fight others try to flee
But there's one there I do have memory of
Why you stare with such intensity?
All that filth hides not your identity,
Alessio de Lucca!
Yes I've drowned because of flatteries
Of them my tongue
Was not ever short of
Now you find me as this horrid being
Does it look like
Alessio de Lucca?
Simon Magus
His sad disciples
How you dare to prostitute
Godly things for things of gold
Time has come
The trumpet's gone
You are seeds of Malebolge
If these flames won't fill you up with shame
Don't pray, I will!
I'm glad to see you
Sorry that I'm not your fellow
Boniface will soon be here too
Really hope sooner than later
How much gold our lord was asking
How much silver he demanded
How you dare to say his words
Bones burn!
(Backwards, going backwards)
I weep when I see them
It's me who I see walking
Was I so foolish then
To think one knows what's coming
Eryplus, Michael Scott
See Guido, see Asdente
They claimed to see beyond
Now tear and feel repentance
Do you think Malacoda
I would come this far
If I had not good fortune
And the will of God?
Save your rage, all I ask is
A pathway through here
Dear poet, you can come back now
The next bridge is near
Let's go!
Master, you sure about this?
March on!
Do we need company?
Next in line!
Look how that sinner's skinned
Hear that?
They smile and grind their teeth
Hear their cries?
I hear them whisper things
You will
I think we've been deceived
Be next
Sinner escaped, it's us to blame, let's go!
Just take a look at that
Marching low steps, weeping and defeatd
I try to figure where that pain is seeded
They wear lead cloaks I kinda hear it
I can hear my roots on that
A Florentine just passed nearby
But wait a minute he's far too strong
What is wrong?
Is he alive?
You stay right there, I know you friar
I'm alive and I can recall
But most of all
I gotta say that now the Church
Is almost great with you in Malebolge
There's no reason
To talk with these on
But at least we're not under the marching
If you teach how the One after dies
Let me tell you
You end up on the floor crucified
(Serpents curse)
Hey god? How about this?
(Flowing choking biting)
F*ck you, I'm Vanni Fucci!
(Change, transform)
You think I'm a beast, you're right
About that, at least
(You are not anymore)
Do you really think you can break me?
(Split and burn)
Send your snakes
Out against me
You don't scare me
I am me
(Join, from ashes reborn)
You won't change
What's inside
And yes oh yes
I was a thief
(Steal, you'll earn)
Send your centaur
Fly your dragon
You won't blind me
With their fashion
(Your part in this swarm)
I don't fear you
It's not defeat
Not until the day
We meet!
From that moment on those sepents were my friends as
For one of them coiled itself around his neck
And more came to grab his neighbours so had him
His words couldn't save him, and so he was decked
Let's leave those sepents now
We know that they deserve each other
The flames will tell you how
They're lighting up this eighth pit
Within the flame
We experience our hell
As we gave ill counsel
To the ones dared to trust us
Never was I one to settle, down
The pleasure of sunrise and breeze of the sea
Treasure, new worlds, if we stand together, again
Hercules gates by Seville
Brothers I crossed (How could it be)
Thousands of dangers with
It's time to go on
Experience what lies beyond
You're born for this
For knowledge, for worth, to explore
Just half of them really
Walking split
In the pit
It never ends
Of the sword
The demon cuts, dismembers
What has been healed before
Of dischord
Disgusting view now you
Are split in two
Let's head out
This ninth abyss
I can hear the screams
Of our next stop
40 Quando noi fummo sor l'ultima chiostra
41 di Malebolge, sì che i suoi conversi
42 potean parere a la veduta nostra
43 lamenti saettaron me diversi
44 che di pietà ferrati avean li strali
45 ond' io li orecchi con le man copersi
46 Qual dolor fora, se de li spedali
47 di Valdichiana tra 'l luglio e 'l settembre
48 e di Maremma e di Sardigna i mali
49 fossero in una fossa tutti 'nsembre
50 tal era quivi, e tal puzzo n'usciva
51 qual suol venir de le marcite membre
52 Noi discendemmo in su l'ultima riva
53 del lungo scoglio, pur da man sinistra
54 e allor fu la mia vista più viva
55 giù ver' lo fondo, la 've la ministra
56 de l'alto Sire infallibil giustizia
57 punisce i falsador che qui registra
58 Non credo ch'a veder maggior tristizia
59 fosse in Egina il popol tutto infermo
60 quando fu l'aere sì pien di malizia
61 che li animali, infino al picciol vermo
62 cascaron tutti, e poi le genti antiche
63 secondo che i poeti hanno per fermo
64 si ristorar di seme di formiche
65 ch'era a veder per quella oscura valle
66 languir li spirti per diverse biche
Master why see I two towers?
There's a castle here inside?
You rush to penetrate the darkness
They're giants that's why they're so wide
I'm glad they are in chains, these giants
Now that we're here I'm mortified
Come now don't be scared I'll hold you
Antaeus will set us down
Raphel mai amecche zabi almi!
Raphel mai amecche zabi almi!
Raphel mai amecche zabi almi!