Do you know that when you go into bed and close your eyes, you will go to a magical place?
What will I dream when I close my eyes?
What will be waiting for me to see?
Magical fairies, and cupcakes with cherries
And unicorns made out of cheese?
What will I dream when the lights go out?
What will be waiting beyond the clouds?
Bright blue birds singing and mermaids swimming
And pirate ships on the sea?
I am going to see such wonderful things when I close my eyes and start to dream.
What will George dream with his dinosaur?
Running round forests and shouting ROAR?
Searching for rubies, and strawberry smoothies
And monkeys who swing from the trees?
What will I dream with my teddies close?
Feeling all cosy from head to toes?
Stars that go whizzing and lemonade fizzing
And princesses coming for tea?
I'm so cosy with all my teddies around me. I wonder what they'll be dreaming tonight?
Everything's magic and wonderful here
So rest your head Piggies there's nothing to fear.
The great starry night, a wonderful sight,
How many dreams will I dream tonight?
What will I dream when I go to sleep?
Drifting away as I'm counting sheep?
Snowballs with Suzie or vegetable movies
And magical birds in the trees?
What will I dream when I close my eyes?
What will be waiting for me to see?
Big muddy puddles and mummies that nuzzle
And huge piles of presents for me?!
Good night. Remember to close your eyes and think of all your favourite things. Sweet Dreams!"