Show you a good time
Run across the room
Still chasing you
Although you're mine
Don't give me the attention
Tell me baby it's alright
Let's play tag
Tell me how many seconds it takes
Until you tap my head
We'll lay in bed
But I won't feel your arms around me
You'll just sleep instead
And you'll count the glow-in-the-dark stars
On the ceiling
Because I know you won't
Be preoccupied
Thinking about me
Let's play tag
Tell me how many seconds it takes
For you to erase your head
Of me in bed
Just count the glow-in-the-dark stars
On the ceiling
Just tell me it's alright
Just tell me it's alright
Just tell me it's alright
Let's play tag let's play oh
Let's play tag let's play oh
Show you a good time
Run across the room
Still chasing you
Although you're mine
Don't give me the attention
Just tell me baby it's alright