Tired cameraman
What are we doing here
I doubt it's decided by somebody precise
The order has been delivered and they don't mind to think twice
They're just doing their work
With dedication of a maniac
There's no reconsideration
And no time otherwise somebody grabs your piece of pie
What will we do with our freedom
We'll sell it out to buy a new phone
Ugly collection of the beautiful people
Sweeps all before it
Witty reporter
What are we doing here
Will I lose intention not to be a cog in machine
Just like you
And will do my work
Stepping over the wounded
Laughing at words a cunt and a dick
Ooh f*ck it
What will we do with our love
We'll sell it out to buy a new car
Ugly collection of the beautiful people
Breeds just like rodents
What we will do with our mind
We'll share it with everybody
Dully marching and chanting the name
Of man that we do not know
Ugly collection of the beautiful people
Glass eyes rolled sleeves
Separately everyone is nirmanakaya
But together together together
Liquid manure