Lit cigarette, leather jacket
Wild eyes and knee highs
Maybe I should stop avoiding your eye contact
I should have told you that you were beautiful
Standing there in your rained out clothes
Like the Pacific Northwest knows something I don't
But I had all of Salt Lake City to romanticize this
To convince myself that I could be someone you could miss
Pushing spring in early November, I'm not thinking through this
But what if luck could be a lady...
And maybe I've just never met her
Because there might be one good thing about this side of the country
And she just so happens to be light years out of my league
A point of contention serves as the center
For the spinning thread I'll use to wrap my head around this
I promise that I meant nothing by it
Making it increasingly harder to deny it
I should have told you it was meaningful
The way you made me feel completely unhelpful
A shy reminder that there's still something moving behind my rib bones
But I've got a long midwest winter to forget about this
I've got to get in the ring before I swing and hope that I don't miss
Millions in five dollar words but you're, you're not buying it
Yeah I think that luck could be a lady
And maybe I've just never met her
Because there might be one good thing about this side of the country
And she just so happens to be light years out of my league
Miles out of my reach