I saw the tears
Running down her face
Her eyes show shadows
Deep in outer space
I saw the cover
But I couldn't judge
Push comes to shove
But you wouldn't budge
Oh I know somewhere
You exist
A lonely spaceman
With her arms a-list
Black hole swallow up
The shooting star
Stoic sentinel
Observe from afar
Words are just words until your
Tongue becomes a gun
Eternal judgement in the mirror
But you find peace for the one
Boost me up
In your time of need
Demons out there
All just f*cking greed
To be or not to be
No longer aware
Reflections of the past
Leave you in despair
Step on a crack and
Break your mother's heart
Senseless to all around
Deaf to a sweeter sound
The beaming rays of darkness
Highlight within
Stars start creeping back
And shadows rescind
Words are just words until your
Tongue becomes a gun
Eternal judgement in the mirror
Close your eyes and break free