Hello, my love
I've been away so long
Let me pour you some champagne
Roses plus lingerie
Equals the unit I use to measure your ultimate pleasure
So lay back, close your eyes
And relax while I
Pull out my calculator
And give you what you like
I wanna do math with you
And if my number two pencil ain't wrong
You've multiplied my length by width
And our division's been too long
Now I wanna do math with you
Finally we're here alone
I just can't wait to calculate
And solve for your unknowns
If our love was two trains
Traveling opposite directions
At thirty miles an hour
Baby, we'd still feel the same
I guess it must be fate
Your protractor skills are bliss
Now give my sweet ellipse a kiss
Between me and you
We've got nothin' to prove
Except a shitload of theorems
And data to review
I wanna do math with you
Your curvature turns me on
Baby, make me show my work
And I'll fill out your Scantron
I wanna do math with you
With sensuality and trust
Calcul-me and calcul-you
Girl, that makes calcul-us
(Do math with you)
You know, they said it would never work between us
We're from completely different worlds
Me, an applied mathematician
And you, a theoretical physicist with a master's degree in applied mathematics
But I've been crunching the numbers of our romance and it seems we're uniformly converging to the same limit of real infinite love
Also, you f*ck good
I wanna do math with you
Integrate nice and slow
Let's bust out all your graph paper
And let the magic flow
I wanna do math with you
I'll love you 'til the end of Pi
Like 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406