I'm standing at the great divide, whispering your name
I peeked behind the golden shroud
I'd hoped to see your face
My heart was wrapped in bailing wire, standing in the rain
I prayed the Lord would take my soul, and let me come again
I dreamt of a place up there with waters cool, and strong
We sat and watched the sailing boats all along the shore
I awakened from the dream
I saw you sitting there
You smiled, and said "My son is home
I've waited all these years"
We traveled through a mountain pass
Song echoed through the gorge
I would find "The Radiant One" seated upon the throne
Three days we rode on foreign horse
At night we sang a song
We talked about the life before, and the things we'd left undone
At the gates of light, seven angels draped in white
They led us, and our foreign horse into a great white hall
Towers made of pearl, silver wings upon the wall
They stripped our hearts of bailing wire, and gathered up the straw
I embraced my mother, and family all
A kiss upon the cheek
They wiped the tears from my eyes as the angels began to sing
As I approached the golden throne, tears still in my eyes
I heard a beautiful voice say "Look upon the wall"
And this is all the angel wrote above the door
"I'll take all your bailing wire, and gather up the straw"
And this is all the angel wrote above the door
"I'll take all your bailing wire, and call the pilgrims home"