How in the f*ck did we end up here?
No way we can go back there
How in the f*ck did we end up here?
No way we can go back there
How in the f*ck did we end up here?
No way we can go back there
How in the f*ck did we end up here?
How in the f*ck did we end up here?
No way we can go back there
How in the f*ck did we end up here?
No way we can go back there
How in the f*ck did we end up here?
No way we can go back there
Time is but a mere construct
Love is what is inside ya
What you seek is never outside of
Deep in the dark is where all lights up
Been walkin' for miles tryna get here showed up
Only to find that I was nowhere oh hell
Good Lord somebody's out there rooting for her
Praise Jah jumping Jehová, Haré Krishna
Haré Ram
Amun Ra
Atum Ra
Jesus Christ
Buddha bless
Alhamdulillah Allah
Landed here and forgot
That I could never be stuck
Sat still then it all lined up
Life is just a big mind f*ck