We've all heard of Abraham
And his search for the promise land
And a great nation that God had promised him
As time went by and Sarah grew old
Where was this child that was foretold
They both grew weary and doubt crept in
Then one day the angels came
And their message was the same
That within the year
Sarah would bear a son
And sure enough
Sarah conceived
Nine months later a son received
From whom the great nation would come
So Never give up on what He promised you
What He said He's do, He will surely do
No Never give up, and never give in
For He is God
He's far above men (and God never lies)
We've all heard about Moses
And the plagues that God imposes
On the great Pharaoh
To let His people go
And finally when Pharaoh gives in
But soon he'd come chasing after them
Then the great power of God would show
He's open up the Red Sea
So His people could walk free
And cross to the other side on dry land
When Pharaoh tried to follow them
The Red Sea would just swallow them
And not one living soul would stand