Your turns-of-phrase all turn the right heads
You've got me in stitches; in the palms of your hands
I followed sirens to the edge of the sunny sunset
Walked up to the bar: cool, calm & collected
Could've been a confidante
Didn't hesitate a second
Here's looking at you...well, you know how it goes
On the thin ice again, loving every minute you start to slip
The thrill you so contagious
We only had a second, can't you hear the clock tick
Before you...
Come apart, like a paper doll
Jamie, I can hardly stand
I just washed up on dry land
Let me grab a hold of my bearings before I lose them all
Couldn't see the forest for the trees
Wound up, wandering around in circles
Trying to find my peace
Making maps out of mysteries
This thing here don't look so frightening
When all's it got are the teeth
Looks like my chips are cashed in
But I'm going back for more
Oh, what a chore it is to steer clear of it
What's it all about?
Seems it's gonna take some time before you figure it out
And even're still shooting around in the dark