In the land of the free
And the home of the brave
We the People rise up to the call
Freedom is priceless
Worth fighting to save
And together we stand lest we fall
We the people
United we stand
Fighting for freedom
Across this great land
With liberty's torch
Held high in our hands
We the People
Under God will take our stand
In the land of the free
And the home of the brave
Freedom's essence now trembles
Fragile and frail
With hearts full of courage
Our voices must say
The values we cherish
Lest they silently fail
We the people
United we stand
Fighting for freedom
Across this great land
With liberty's torch
Held high in our hands
We the People
Under God will take our stand
Hills and valleys
Redwood trees
Purple mountain's majesty
This is America
The land of the free
See old glory waiving
In the dawn's early light
This is America
And for her we'll fight
From sea to shining sea
A nation at risk
Defending the rights
That could slip away
With our voices raised
A fate we can't dismiss
We the people under God
Must guard every day
We the people
United we stand
Fighting for freedom
Across this great land
With liberty's torch
Held high in our hands
We the People
Under God will take our stand
In shadows we see
The cracks start to form
The liberty we cherish
Now under storm
With vigilance fading
The darkness can grow
We must re-ignite the fire
Let freedom's light glow
We the people
United we stand
Fighting for freedom
Across this great land
With liberty's torch
Held high in our hands
We the People
Under God will take our stand
We the People
Under God will take our stand