People kills other, becomes a murderer with proud.
People betrays other, denies being a betrayer or a fraud.
Truth is suppressed in darkness, instead lies are enlightened.
The new humanoid clone is changing at a rapid pace.
People kills other, becomes a murderer with proud.
People betrays other, denies being a betrayer or a fraud.
Truth is suppressed in darkness, instead lies are enlightened.
The new humanoid clone is changing at a rapid pace.
Are we at fault for this?
Have we fallen down to abyss?
Everything once considered good has vanished out of this world.
Nothing is same.
Everything has changed.
The world has changed and so is the human trend.
Friends have turned into enemies, and initiated a war of revenge.
Mankind has doomed, as kindness has disappeared.
Love has marched towards heaven.
Hatred has evoked from this hellish earth.
A sense of understanding, we possessed, has burnt down in flames.
What we are now is a mere human-like puppet.
We are guided by our needs & desires, not by our sense.
Nothing is same.
Everything has changed.
Are we at fault for this?
Have we fallen down to abyss?
Everything once considered good has vanished out of this world.
Nothing is same.
Everything has changed.
Now, we fight not for others sake, but for our own existence.
Those brotherhood once fostered have died, only fossils remain.
Up we had marched to claim ourselves, a greatest human race.
Down we have fallen being insane.
Coz' nothing is same.
Everything has changed.
The world has changed and so is the human trend.
Friends have turned into enemies, and initiated a war of revenge.
Mankind has doomed, as kindness has disappeared.
Love has marched towards heaven.
Hatred has evoked from this hellish earth.
Are we at fault for this?
Have we fallen down to abyss?
Everything once considered good has vanished out of this world.
Nothing is same.
Everything has changed.