Arcadian liar, nostrum vendor
Silk road grey sky, planting seeds of
Misbelief and delusion
I slipped my game, inside their souls
Utopia... I don't believe
Trapped these fools inside my ring
Crossing the valley of sulphur
Digging through ashes in search of the stones
When everything drowned in fog, and I was made to subside
In darkness and silence I lay, knowing well what I have done
The truth was revealed and so was my name
Through fractures and bones, it seeps
Cascading erases my fears
Penace before my confessor
My eyes are the vision, the sky becomes earth
The symbols unveil my new nature
My slumber is over, and now I begin
My flesh is the mountain, the sea in my blood
Leaving this human coil, godlike, ascending to Nurah
It said it's name, became my name