Pissing in the dark
Pissing in the dark
On purpose
On purpose
Pissing in the dark
Pissing in the dark
On purpose
On purpose
The light switch is, like, it's right there
Not worth it
Not worth it
I'm pissing in the dark
I'm pissing in the dark
On purpose
On purpose
Shitting in the dark
Shitting in the dark
On purpose
On purpose
Wiping in the dark
Wiping my ass
I can't see it
This was a bad idea
Pissing in the dark
Pissing in the dark
I come here for peace and quiet
And just, like, a little moment to myself
When I'm over at a friend's house
And it's time to piss
Pissing in the dark
And my friend walks in
He turns on the light
He didn't see me there
He looks at me on the toilet and he goes
Oh shit, I didn't see you there
And I say
He says
I stand up, walk over to him
And I say
My f*cking ovaries
I leave
I pass out on his couch
I won't remember it the next morning