A pressed palm to her head, every night before bed
Let her dreams coalesce into god's blessed rest
While she tries her best to suppress her
Oppressive contesting protests they're distressing
And no one's confessing or reassessing
Their subjective beliefs, their suspect jubilees
And their savior complex sees the people gasping for air
They just gently brush her hair from her face instead
To press a
Palm to her head, every night before bed
Let her dreams coalesce into god's blessed rest
While her faith is waning, and no one's explaining or reframing
All these claims of saving, while they pray she's spacing out
In a swirl of doubt
Young neuroplasticity, her mind's fragility
Will cause a blinding, confused, unbridled
Fit of rage
Trapped in childhood's cage
And when she's finally free
She'll twist with glee
Towards non belief
And when they press
A palm to her head, every night before bed
Her dreams will coalesce into grotesque darkness of ignorance