Nothing stays the same for ever
What it is, soon may not be
But each change 's a chance for better
Though, the change may bring us grief
Isn't there beauty in sadness?
Isn't relieving a tear?
Doesn't greatness come from madness?
Is there courage without fear?
Without chaos, what's perfection?
Without night, what is the dawn?
All implies its own reflection
Moving, static, restless, calmed
If my life were neat and tight
Always perfect, in control
Could I see new hues of light?
Would I be writing this song?
Nothing stays unaltered, still
What was right, it is no longer
And the way I flow through it all, will
Either kill me or make me stronger
Loss hides unsuspected treasures
The sky's clear after the storm
It's a fact that time and pressure
Turn coal into a noble stone
Nothing stays the same for ever
What it is, will be no more
Live the present, now or never
Let it be, and let it go!