[ Featuring Yishai Sweartz ]
By the morning, it started
And what scared me most
Was the look in their eyes
They were waiting for this like a work to be done
Like a holy work like a mission
That they are really happy to do
Jewish blood was spilled like water
On the streets of the ghetto
They were laughing in our faces and said:
You pray to God? Here is your happy new year
While the massacre continued on and on
On that day, about 6000 people slaughtered,
Mainly kids, old people and women
A part of the job after the slaughter was done
Was to take out the bodies
And the Germans of course used jewish people to take the bodies of other jewish people
By the time they finished to do it, they killed them all.
After this day we knew, and we realized,
There is nothing we can do in the ghetto anymore
We have to escape
We have to run
We cannot trust God
We cannot trust Religion
We cannot trust the Germans
We cannot trust anyone"