Unbearable... Unbearable... Scheiss
Whither socialism, Pamplona doublethink, walking in the country, blowing up balloons, taking time to get to Know the good things
I figgee thee, I figgee figgee figgee thee
The uninvited guest, the unexpected knock at the door, the unwelcome truth... punitive superego, wayward id... Rubble strewn clinics, outlet to an estuary partially blocked with bibles
I name this child Gonzalez
Unbearable unbearable, unbearable scheiss
Titties for sale, titties for sale, how much love, how much love
In the brine, no one can hear you gasp
He's had his pubes shaved into the shape of my pubes, that's Unbearable
Tug the apeman - see the novice
Bob's your uncle, Ted's your father, Jim's your mother, he's not your son, it turns out, he's your mother, well don't Blame me... Bob's your uncle but you knew that already and you knew it, was Unbearable
And cats like Felix like Felix ,cats like Felix like Felix, like Felix, like faeces,like Felix
1 game, 2 games, 3 games, 4 games, 5 games, how many games? No more games
Unbearable unbearable... Scheiss
How're the kids ? I haven't seen them for quite some time
I thought they might be dead
Tubby vicar, lonely vicar, fashionable vicar, loathsome vicar
Teensy weensy titchy tiny little vicar
Its Unbearable unbearable
Help help a vehicle is under attack
I feel nothing
Unbearable, unbearable
Please call the police
I feel nothing