We were trapped in so we screamed
We were trapped in so we screamed
Let me out of
Let me out of this hell please
Take our lives not our liberties
But then we stop take stock breathe
Conditions we already live
Are not far from here
Isolation is our fear?
Aren't we Trapped in Lives We Flee?
To prop this up they need a stick
A carrot just to goad us with
To prop this up they need a stick
A carrot just to goad us with
To keep us far from being free
Trapped us in our Lunacy
Push pain in our community
Chain us to this dependency
We were trapped in so we screamed
We were trapped in so we screamed
Let me out
Let me out of
Let me out of this hell please
Take our lives not our liber-ties
But then we stop take stock breathe
Conditions we already live
Are not far from here
Isolation is our fear?
Aren't we Trapped in Lives We Flee?
No way to escape peacefully
When they make us complicit we
Must make our own resiliency
Be the change that you want to see
Be the change that you want to see
Let me out of this hell please
Take our Lives not Liberties
Conditions we already live
Are not far from here
Isolation is our fear?
Aren't we Trapped in Lives We Flee?
Push comes to shove and show us this
They need us more than we need them