I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul
The twisting and turning and hopeless yearning are old
The carrot is dangling and I'm tromping through mud
They give me a nibble then say I'm out of luck
I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul
The twisting and turning and hopeless yearning are old
I'm told there's not a single cure
My life is now on an endless detour
I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul
I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul
I hate what I've become this is not me
They spit in my face to think positively
Well I'm through
You have no clue
I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul
The twisting and turning and hopeless yearning are old
Like a hermit crab trying a pretty new shell
I try it on and it's another kind of Hell
I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul
The twisting and turning and hopeless yearning are old
And just when I've thought I figured it out
My mind is plagued with my self-doubt
I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul
I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul
Save me from this
I'll do whatever it is
Need to break through
I just have to
I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul
I'm tired of adapting to what's circumventing my soul