I am Peter the rock
I am Peter the rock
God calls me Peter the rock
God calls me Peter the rock
On this rock
Will Christ builds His church
The gates of hell
Shall not prevail against it
Cos I am Peter the rock
God gave me the keys
The keys of the kingdom of heaven
Whatever I bind on earth
Shall be bound in heaven
Whatever I loose on earth
Shall be loosed in heaven
Cos He called me
Peter the rock
Peter the rock
Who shall ascend to the hills
The hills of the Lord
Who shall stand in His holy place
He that has clean hands
And a pure heart
Nor lift up his soul to vanity
Nor sworn deceitful
Shall be called
Peter the rock
So you are Peter the rock
Lift up your heads O you gates
You gates be lift up
You everlasting doors
And the King of glory shall come in
Who is this King of glory
The Lord strong and mighty
The Lord mighty in battle
He's Christ The Solid Rock
God called me
I answered
I left all
To follow
He made me
Fisher of
Men and takes
The glory
Oh oh oh Amen
Oh oh oh Amen
Oh oh oh Amen