She came in bleeding
Torn apart and stained of the sun
She lay beside the rain
Gasping for air
She echoed through the void
Colorful and shapen this sound
She whispered softly
And screamed till I became mute
A lull of senses
Undone by whispered echo
Returned her thoughts to my hollowed skull
She whispered softly
To speak between myself
And when she screams I feel too real
A lullaby to numb and tie down
A gag so She won't ask
A whip so I forget who ignited
Flames who's ashes blind her eyes
A pond so I can drown in reflections
Of all the vapidness and
Of a plane I have now exchanged
For a hell who's bereavement
Has forever lurked within
Masquerading as wisdom
Cloaked in lust and envy
Slowly breaking through my eyes
By the infinite edges of it's twisted blade