Mesa is a table where you sit and dine
Silla is a chair where you relax and unwind
Ventana is a window letting in the light
Puerta is a door close it up tight
Mesa silla ventana puerta
In Spanish these objects are in your casa
Common things you see every day
Learn these words let's sing and play!
Cuchara is a spoon to eat your soup so warm
Tenedor is a fork with prongs that form
Plato is a plate where your food will stay
Vaso is a glass for juice any day
Cuchara tenedor plato vaso
In Spanish they're part of your paso
Common things you use every day
Learn these words let's sing and play!
Cama is a bed where you sleep at night
Lámpara is a lamp giving you light
Libro is a book full of stories so grand
Reloj is a clock ticking in your hand
Cama lámpara libro reloj
In Spanish these words you'll enjoy
Common things around your space
Learn these words at your own pace!
From mesa to libro objects surround
In Spanish these words are all around
Learn them well use them with pride
With these objects you're well supplied!
Mesa silla ventana puerta
In Spanish these objects are in your casa
Cama lámpara libro reloj
In Spanish these words you'll enjoy!
Now you know the words to say
When talking about objects every day
In Spanish they're easy in Spanish they're true
These common objects are now with you!