Attention my deficit
Anxious, aggressiveness
Black I be blessing it
Bags on my baggages
Climbin y carrying
Caring condemning
Drifting while driving it
Distant due differences
Epic, elated
The end my envisionment
Free from the fallen, the false
And the fishermen
Grace he be giving
The goodness
Is glistening
Healing the half
That's been heavily
Hidden in
Intel is innocent
Intellect inserting
Joyride a journey
Hide judging with
Keen of the kings
Killed my knees
From the hindering
Listing for low-life's
I'll leave all the listening
Mind is so mystical
Magnify, mythical
No need for novelties
Noggin so nymphical
Oppressed as the only
Official original
Pushed in a pit full of prunes
Why they pitiful?
Queens from my quest
Most quarters are
Racking resent
But rage with
Sick of the stories
The snakes
And the statuses
Tone took my 'tude
Tearing tendons
My tatteredness
U.S. United
Unloving, unethical
Veins are still vacant
I veer from my
Waste all my wicks
On a wish
Still I'm whimsical
Xrayed the Xenophobes
Played like a Xylophone
Yanked from my youth
Where they yell
And say "yo"
Zoomin I'm zip locked
No Z's in my zone