Piracy dull
Two people bring me to a table
With a board game ready to play
And I'm given a vessel
To play and dice to decide
My moves
With dice in hand and
Trying to understand
What I'm playing
My vessel starts progressing
On it's own
I appreciate the help
From the other players
But I would like to know
What I'm playing
Before I start moving
Just feels natural to me
To approach it like that
I'm handed a rule book
With my seat labeled on it
Some rules are crossed out
And some are more
But all are created with
The same tools that I
Am given
I wonder
Oh I wonder
What the rules these rules
Were created from
What game am I really playing
Not just the game the people
Around me have created
Where's the real rule book
That the rules were made from
Homemade games are cool and all
But if your playing a game
That's not homemade
But with house rules and it's not fun
I'd like to know what the real rules are