Grades don't matter, grades don't matter, grades don't matter, grades don't matter
Grades don't matter, grades don't matter, grades don't matter, grades don't matter
Grades don't matter, grades don't matter, grades don't matter, grades don't matter
Grades don't matter, grades don't matter, grades don't matter, grades don't matter
Grades don't matter
Whatever your grades
They do not ever matter
They have no ability
To define who you really are
Or who you want to be
The people who don't believe in you
Just because your grades are low
Don't understand what they're talking about
'Cause even if your grades are bad
It doesn't mean you're failing
Grades are not the definition of life
Grades are portant
Do what you can
Believe in yourself
Live your life
That can all be fine
Grades don't matter, grades don't matter
Grades don't matter, grades don't matter