I'd bet my shell that you think you know the story of me: Humpty Dumpty
But you know a tale perpetuated by noblemen with an agenda
I'm not that clumsy, my name isn't even Humpty
They got that wrong, it's Humphrey
It's hard to believe this bottomless conspiracy
But I didn't fall off that wall, I swear to God, I was pushed
I had too much power over the King
They couldn't put me back together?
Lies! They can fix anything
A touch of glue and a fresh bandaid
Would've saved my yolk from dripping away
But all the King's horses and all the King's men
Wanted me dead
Society loved me more than their King right before them
So the ruthless King ordered that I be thrown off the wall
Then tell the world I'd fallen
Sat on the edge out of boredom
That way nothing suss will come up in post-mortem
Oh King, why do you resent me?
Oh, why do you resent me?
Our carton could have done with a parliament
But instead you chuck me off of a pile of cement
I tried to make things better for the eggs under your rule
And you repay me by painting me a fool
It is done
The carton now holds eleven
For I have landed myself in egg heaven
But all my worries now are focused on my son
For I know he'll continue my legacy
And I'd be scrambled a thousand times just to let him see
That the King's killing spree has only just begun
Humphrey Junior, my boy
They got you, didn't they?
No, not my son
You killed my son
You killed my boy
What makes you think you can play God in my carton
You rule like a blind psychopath in Kindergarten
It's unjust to punish a soul for their ancestors actions
Your Majesty, you are one rotten egg