Keep on raining
Keep on raining
A day's gonna come when the sun starts shining
Keep on raining
Keep on raining
Every cloud's got a silver lining
The storm cloud's grey but its heart beats lightning
The storm cloud's grey but its heart beats lightning
There's solace in a summer sky
But there's true peace in the grey
Oh keep on burning
Keep on burning
There's nothing but ash and the flames aren't thinning
Keep on burning
Keep on burning
The Lord's fire's burned since the beginning
The dark fights a war that the light is winning
The dark fights a war that the light is winning
The fire may forsake your flesh
But there's true peace
Oh there's true faith in the flames
Burn in the flames
Or take a bolt of lighting to the heart
And be baptised by the rain
Burn in the flames
Or find your true peace in the grey
Burn in the flames
And call the archangels by their names
Burn in the flames
Or take a bolt of lightning to the heart
And be baptised by the rain