So when it came down
We were in line
Holding the fort
Hearts pounding like tomes
Open to closed
Showing our claws
Facing the breeze
The Liberty Trees
Ragged and poor
Brave in the face
Of soldiers and state
We were assured
Lives falling like silk
Over our hands
Bloody and numb
Tears, stripped by the heat
Burning the street
Ruthless and dumb
Facing the breeze
The Liberty Trees
Ragged and poor
Brave in the face
Of soldiers and state
We were assured
Here, I'll lay me down
Sink as the sea
Curdles and spits
Tides, torches and tongues
Vengeful and young
Doing their bit
Facing the breeze
The Liberty Trees
Ragged and poor
Brave in the face
Of soldiers and state
We were assured
Now, last of the line
Playing our parts
Breaking our swords
Soil under the toes
Precious it flows
Where we're to fall
Facing the breeze
The Liberty Trees
Ragged and poor
Brave in the face
Of soldiers and state
We were so sure