Green grass of where a story began
A past of a dance, the end of a trance
A ship sailing north towards a new golden sun
A tale of how a legend had finally begun
It was a time of high spirits and romance ran wild
And Cupid's love arrows brought home to a child
Then it happened so swiftly, a way had appeared
For Cupid's love arrows to now reappear
So He shot them out into the skies
All 1 by 1, and His intended target was me, you, everyone
He did this it seemed for a 1000 days and nights
So Cupid grew tired and had to rest that night
But His arrows of love, still dotted the air
His magic was found in what we hold most dear
He promised to sooner than later reawake
If all His labour of love was somehow at stake
So with His final arrow before He knew rest
He filled it with a different yet heartfelt intent
To only ever let an arrow of love to cause hurt
If love was no longer valued at it's true worth
And if one day that the same love within the same love came back
All arrows of love would then quickly react
To rid the need of last arrow's aim
To bring back the feeling of being struck by
Cupid's arrows of love again