The bark she skins the vortex
The vortex of the tree
The bark she breaks and splinters
The splinters you don't see
She stabs me with her splinters
The splinters you don't see
Wrap your limbs around
Now let them smother me
They stick inside and torture
The evil we all hide
The bark she's fat and lazy
On the tree she does ride
Shes slumbers on that oak tree
Creased and weathered limbs
It is upon that oak tree
Her freedom rarely swims
Until the Final twilight
Let the creases strike me down
The bark she Smothers slowly
And swims without a sound
Do you hear her whisper
Do you hear her cry
The oak tree gathers rainbows
When Autumns just arrived
In winter she is creaking
Like a broken bell
She does not grow
She does not laugh for winter is her hell