The door locks, seemingly for the last time
Keys taken off the key-ring and placed in a safe
In an office, some other place far away
While stacks of books sheets, numbers, orders of words
For life's great moments of delight and sadness
Lay lost in grey metal filing cabinets
Rusted and battered by so much use
In years past, but not now
Now they lie abandoned with jars of charred coffee
And individual sugar portions, all left behind
Carefully forgotten with the lights off
Sun still shines through coloured glass
Solemn faces still stare down
But no one is that to witness the moment
Dreams and tears
Hopes and fears
These walls have seen humanity
In all it's despair and glory
Parents have laughed and screamed
Choked back tears and cried out in hope and bitterness
Silences have been observed
And caskets carried in and later carried out
With the lights off
This space stagnates in silent shadows
Mildewed and maligned
Profits and statistics
Research and seek meaning
Looking to see signs in texts written far away
And collated minutes of million minor meetings
But still the sun shines
And the clear blue sky
Illuminates the lost interior
Lighting a beacon for decay