We are living in a strange land we don't belong here we've been poisoned by man's hands
This dirty water dirty water dirty water
Times have changed hearts grown cold brothers hating brothers perversion rises as prophecies unfold
We need water oh give me water we need water oh purifying water
Fathers and mothers hearts are broken mother mother brothers and sisters hearts are to brothers dying
Children trying to raise themselves hey but we can't get clean water to save ourselves
You are the air I breath so breath on me you are the air I breathe so breath on me hey yeah
Father we need you like the desert needs the rain over and over and over we suffer from all this pain
Send a refreshing so we can love again revenge our enemies so that we can live again
This is how I'm reminded of how frail I am that is why I desire more of you
This is how I'm reminded of how frail I am that is why I desire
Rescue me oh my soul rescue me oh my soul