Now I understand
Why you are with another man
I think I understand
Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why
You with another man?
I saw you walking down the avenue
I don't know which avenue
It's in my mind
It's in my mind
But I saw you there
I saw you there
Anyway, you were
You were holding his hand
His hand, not mine
And you were loving him in your heart
And in your mind
Do you think that's true?
I wanna go everywhere with you
And in my heart I know I am afraid
And that's why I write music
And in my heart I know I am afraid
Because it's like if I can capture
This feeling
If I can capture it
It exists outside myself
It exists
For longer
In a way, you could say it might even be eternal
And I wish I could say that
I wish I could use that metaphor
It's like motherhood
I don't know that it is?