After all this time I think I've found the meaning of modern live
Seems that nothing remains the same and everything has changed
Once the people found a partner and kept it for a lifetime
Nowadays it's more like primitive instincts have taken control
This is more that I can take
Oh Why? Why must I suffer?
Where is it going to? What is the sense?
Oh When? When will I find somebody to love?
Someone who cares! Someone who feels like me
Nearly everyone is hunting for an illusion!
An insanity that's been caused by modern live
Ken wants Barbie, but Barbie is in love with Brad!
Nothing is good enough at least they will get nothing!
And finally it's too late
Oh Why? Why must I suffer?
Where is it going to? What is the sense?
Oh When? When will I find somebody to love?
Someone who cares! Someone who feels like me