If I do not go crazy how'd I know it's true
I want to lose my mind wrapping it round you
Tease me with words unspoken, stories every breath
Your presence is my haven
If I do not go crazy how'd I know it's true
I want to lose my mind wrapping it round you
Tease me with words unspoken, stories every breath
Your presence is my haven
If I do not go crazy how'd I know it's true
I want to lose my mind wrapping it round you
Tease me with words unspoken, stories every breath
Your presence is my haven
So if your
Aesthetic capturing my eye I might like you
Play me music that I like I might wife you
Say you love me one time I'll play it cool
I'll play it cool
But you might catch me outside with a seizure
My left side going numb so I'm all right now
My minds flipped I write poetry in inverse
No one else would understand take my hand right now and
Come inside
My mind
With me
Come inside
My mind
With me
If your aesthetic capturing my mind I might like you
If you play me music that I like I might wife you
If you say you love me one time I'll play it cool
I'll play it cool
I won't play it cool
Won't play it cool