We give thanks for life
We give thanks for the giving of thanks
You done know
It don't matter how high or low life goes
Never give up giving thanks
When you get to wake up inna de morning, Give Thanks!!!
When you make it back inna your bed, Give Thanks!!!
Nuffa we a take it for granted, Give Thanks!!!
Don't do that
Me a tell you Give Thanks!!!
No food inna de pot, Give Thanks!!!
Seh you have clothes pun you back, Give Thanks!!!
Seh you have a roof over your head, Give Thanks!!!
You are not homeless please Give Thanks!!!
Even if you don't got a job, Give Thanks!!!
Woke up in health and alive, Give Thanks!!!
Nuff rich man wudda give away their riches to have another day on this earth, Give Thanks!!!
They say life is how you make it
I say life is how you take it
Mistakes are meant for lessons
The blessings gonna come
So just Give Thanks!!!
Give Thanks!!!
Me a tell you Give Thanks!!!
Give Thanks!!!
No car, you haffi walk, Give Thanks!!!
Seh you have shoes pun you feet, Give Thanks!!!
If you feet and no shoes, Give Thanks!!!
No feet???
You still alive, Give Thanks!!!
You are broke and no have no money, Give Thanks!!!
Seh you not owe nobody money, Give Thanks!!!
Nuff man a borrow for tomorrow, Give Thanks!!!
Something much worse than broke, Give Thanks!!!
Find yourself living inna de ghetto, Give Thanks!!!
Seh you not living inna de gutter, Give Thanks!!!
When you find bread and butter, Give Thanks!!!
Better must come so you better Give Thanks!!!
It not matter how hard your life is
Talk about how bad the times is
You don't got no entitlement to it
This life is a gift Give Thanks!!!
Give Thanks!!!
Me a tell you Give Thanks!!!
Give Thanks!!!
Whatever is it you have today, Give Thanks!!!
You never ever had it yesterday, Give Thanks!!!
Another day is another chance, Give Thanks!!!
Tomorrow's gonna be a better day, Give Thanks!!!
Most a we forgot what we got, Give Thanks!!!
Thinking bout what we don't got, Give Thanks!!!
Separate need from want, Give Thanks!!!
You are what you need to get what you want, Give Thanks!!!
Kotoko kum apem
Apem b3ba, Give Thanks!!!
Forever ever never say die, Give Thanks!!!
No matter what the time or the weather, Give Thanks!!!
Sunshine, rain or storm, Give Thanks!!!
Be the sky everything is the weather
Whether be there good or bad weather
Make it never bother you my brother
Just smile and be the sky, Give Thanks!!!
Give Thanks!!!
Me a tell you Give Thanks!!!
Give Thanks!!!
Says Give Thanks!!!
Give Thanks
God Kwesi
God Fiifi
Kweku Nyame
You done know
The journeys has been long and tedious
But we still make it here soh
Dem kyaan ignore we