Why for do you hide
Have you not yet felt it
There lives a dragon inside
The shadow age is but illusion
With all the substance of a dream
A song made out of whispers
A tale without a theme
You were given the keys to a kingdom
Yet why for do you hide
Have you not yet felt it
There lives a dragon inside
Look within and find the dragon
For like a moth to flame
He shall appear when called for
If you can learn his name
Look within and find the dragon
And as you soar yet higher
You shall forge a grand empire
And you shall hold the fire
Dragons are born in darkness
And you must bring them light
The brilliance of the morning
Or the glowing moon at night
Keep the dragon tame
And you shall not be torn apart
Remember well his name
For it is written on your heart
Look within and find the dragon
For like a moth to flame
He shall appear when called for
If you can learn his name
Look within and find the dragon
And as you soar yet higher
You shall forge a grand empire
And you shall hold the fire
So fear no gate or barricade
For as every dragon learns
When the fire's hot enough
Everything burns
Look within and find the dragon
For like a moth to flame
He shall appear when called for
If you can learn his name
Look within and find the dragon
And as you soar yet higher
You shall forge a grand empire
And you shall hold the fire
So fear no gate or barricade
For as every dragon learns
When the fire's hot enough
Everything burns
Look within and find the dragon
For like a moth to flame
He shall appear when called for
If you can learn his name
Look within and find the dragon
And as you soar yet higher
You shall forge a grand empire
And you shall hold the fire
So fear no gate or barricade
For as every dragon learns
When the fire's hot enough
Everything burns
Look within and find the dragon
For like a moth to flame
He shall appear when called for
If you can learn his name
Look within and find the dragon
And as you soar yet higher
You shall forge a grand empire
And you shall hold the fire