Deep within a hellborn pyre, caught within a raging storm
Fully draped by glares of broken courage
Lords of-light, take my hand, show the way as thy have promised
Committed to protect what I hold dear
Abominations, arise to obliterate
Through our death with growing malice, they will create
Now do you fear the silence
Barren heart bear endless woes
Every thought will bring you under
Always true to the place I belong
The rising evil brought asunder
Chasing hell without a moment to rest
Turning virtue into madness
Nature only favours the strongest
Tales of courage will be timeless
Losing grip of justice, losing what is real
While the innocent are writhing in pain
Power surging, lust for vengeance, a tainted hope is born
Violence, a resolution, the means to end this war
Lords of light, where are thy hands, where is the way you promised
Faithful to protect what I hold dear
The sacred disappear with defiance
Barren heart bear endless woes
Every thought will bring you under
Always true to the place I belong
The rising evil brought asunder
Hearing whispers of encouraging words
Close to be consumed by anger
Going back to the place I once called home
Where I will reign supreme forever
Cradled by ancestral soul
A reign left behind to consume what's pure
A lie from deep within
What has been stolen will be seen no more
Flee thy temple and give in to madness
No sign of forgiveness
No sign of remorse
Barren heart bear endless woes
Every thought will bring you under
An empty shell of what once belonged
Those you cherished brought asunder
The heart a weakness, shall be removed
Thus becoming so much stronger
But ruthless actions will only prove
A life of hate will be no longer
No sign of forgiveness
No sign of remorse
A lie from deep within
What has been stolen will be seen no more