We are caught with the strange responsibility of assessing
These people that claim to be alive or dead-
To what extent do they have real aliveness in our lives?
Their picture-staring out at us from the annals of the internet-
Just as alive or
Just as dead?
That one-I know for a fact that she committed suicide
But I hadn't spoken to her in years
Has her aliveness in my life changed since her death?
My father's aliveness; has it grown weaker, since his physical death?
I am not so sure
My mother's aliveness; is it strong?
When I send a text message to my mother and she doesn't call
Or an email to my mother and she doesn't reply,
This makes me feel like she might be dead
After all, my father does the same thing
And he is dead
Aren't we, alive in these times, perpetually "reachable"?