...and that was when he...got his first guitar
The Yankeez are coming!
Yankeez are dandy!
Ya- Ya- Yankeez Yankeez
Ya- Ya- Yankeez Yankeez
Ya- Ya- Yankeez Yankeez
Ya- Ya- Yankeez Ya- Ya-
I think that there are certain kinds of musics that cry out for technology ummm...
F-F-F-F-F-F-F*ck you motherf*cker [beep] [beep] [beep] motherf*cker f*ck [beeeep] wack-ass f*cker suckin' motherf*ckin' [beep] [beep] dicks and bitches [beeeep] [beep] [beep] [beep] f*ckin' [beep] [beep] [beep] snap your snatchin' [beep] cock, f*ck you in the a-[beep]
The Yankeez are coming!
Ya- Ya- Yankeez Yankeez
Ya- Ya- Yankeez Yankeez
Ya- Ya- Yankeez Yankeez
Ya- Ya- Yankeez Ya- Ya-
Yankeez are dandy!