Something weird is happening And I don't know what to do Something weird is happening And I don't know what to do
¿Qué decir? ¿Qué creer?
El tiempo pasa sin razón
Y me siento, esperándote, atada en un rincón What to do? What to say?
What to be now, today?
I can't go on
Quiero estar, quiero ser
Mi vida se va en tu piel
Something weird is happening And I don't know what to do Something weird is happening And I don't know what to do
Y das vueltas y vueltas
Vas en torno a tu aflicción
Y me siento esperando atrapada en tu rincón ¿Qué decir? ¿Qué creer?
El tiempo pasa sin razón
Y me siento, esperándote, atada en un rincón
Something weird is happening And I don't know what to do Something weird is happening And I don't know what to do Something weird is happening And I don't know what to do Something weird is happening And I don't know what to do Something weird is happening
Letra y música: Lorena Uría - 2011
And I don't know what to do Something weird is happening And I don't know what to do Algo extraño pasa
Entre tú y yo
Algo extraño pasa Entre tú...