I hate to break it to you but you're boring me to death
Whatever story you've made up in your head please write me out of it
Stop talking at me and maybe talk to me for once
You could learn a few things from listening
You are not the center of my world
I am not your fantasy I am just a girl
Welcome to the boys club
Manic pixie dream girl
Aren't you here to save him
Won't you come and make his world
And I'm so sorry no i'm not sorry I don't exist to please you
It sucks that your sad And i get why you're mad But its not my job to fix you
You're just lonely and I just happen to be in the same room
A decision, I'm beginning to regret
And if every long haired
Tall boy
Skinny as a tree
Became the center of the world to me
I'd have no time for myself
And I'm the only one I really care about
I am growing tired of demanding your respect
As if I don't put my heart and my soul into it
News flash I've actually got a personality
And you're just repeating everything I've said right back to me