Headed toward 5 a.m. again
Wide awake at last call
The wall is holding me up again
Somehow I leave holding your hand
I wanted it
The smell is different this time and it lingers
I know I'm so much more distant after
It's just foreign, it's just different
I'm just not sure who I am
I'd rather be alone after
I've been appraised
Here's what I'm worth to the state
The more I sedate myself
The more they make me pay
Analyze this touch some other day
For now put on your Sunday best and matching face
Oh look it's past 5 a.m. again
Hardly had to try
The room for giving in has gotten so easy to find
It looks safe there in your eyes every time
One last pleasant surprise
Here's one for the morning's violet sunrise
Sing to the morning's violet sunrise
Violet sunrise
How nice
Violet sunrise
How nice
Violet sunrise
How nice