She stumbles in beside
And I, in shaky footing, I oblige
She said, "They said you're after it heavy now
Need someone to bring you levity"
She said, "I'm new to this
I lived for so much less
Only died four hours ago
And they threw me into this"
I said, "I'm a couple in now, honey
Please explain your angle"
She told me, "No motive to me, darlin
I'm your angel
Just here to be your angel"
"Didn't ask for one, not sure I need ya
Heaven's gone to meddling with me
All I wanna do is play and sing
You can take me if I linger
But I don't need no angel"
"I can help you carry what you bring
Tell you that you need about half those things
The rest will change
And I'll be with you 'til you make it home
Won't you follow?
I'll lead you there
Darlin, I'm your angel
I'll never fail you
Darlin, I'm your angel"
"Didn't ask for one, not sure I need ya
Heaven's gone to meddling with me
All I wanna do is play and sing
You can take me if I linger
But I don't need no angel"
"We only want you well, dear
That's all that I'm here for, is you
Darlin, I'm your angel, I'm yours
Everyone can use an angel, I'm yours
Darlin, I'm your angel"
"Didn't ask for one, not sure I need ya"
"Just here to be your angel"
"Heaven's gone to meddling"
"I'll never fail you"
"All I wanna do is play and sing"
"I'm yours, just here to be your angel
And I'll be with you"
"Just promise me that you'll take me if I linger"