I am the angel of death, let me take away your last breath, on earth they call me meth, just for the best, lie down and take it, just like the rest, you are the number 1 guest, you got to f*cking obsessed, now you gotta be suppressed, your gonna find out the secrets, get in the cop car, you been arrest, paying you off, so you dont protest, taking yo dignity, you been undressed, start taking the test, drop outta school, and go start invest, parents telling you shit, cant go digest, using the underclass as a armrest, put on your vest, you been possessed, by the angel of death
Shooting my shot like I'm Jordan, cooking this shit like I'm Gordon, all these bitches i be hoardin, she be yelling WHO, I can barely hear her callin me horton, I think she is foreign, I got so lucky, I think I got fortune, can't count my money it's in disproportion
I've been waiting for this my whole life, walked out my house with a knife, girl asked where I was going I said bitch you ain't my wife, I was just done with the lies, went out for a f*cking drive, walked to a bank with disguise, said to him I won't ask twice, looked outside there was the lights, red and blue I counted five, 12345 I can't survive, went behind the counter tried to dive, got hit in the chest please sympathize, my last breath I felt alive,
My ex girlfriend Was just imagination, sitting in my room playin Playstation, then I got derealization, I had a clear realization,changeing The world starts with legalization, people need to have that conversation, maybe during trivial occasions, talk about obesity normalization, all the problems with the administration, put that shit under investigation, doesn't matter what we say they'll change it on the publication, what about the misrepresentation, and how bananas leak radiation, how F*cked up our brains our from the stimulation,
Going stupid, shot yo bitch up like a cupid, my raps like yo water its deluted, now yo bitch is leaking all of this fluid, all my bars super calculated like it's been computed, yo side bitch is putrid, I'm Undisputed, call it the big 4 I've been recruited