I'm not good at waking up early n doin' my make up|I'm not good at givin' advice about boys n break ups|I don't do yoga spin class or Pilates |N I lost everything that my teachers taught me||Chorus |But I'm good at love (I'm good at love)| Ya I'm good at love-in-you |Ohhh ohhh ohhh lovin you |Ohhh oohhh ohhh lovin you||I'm not good at finding my way with a GPS and..| I don't know North or South or East from West and...|Not good at rememberin' names or|My best friend's birthday|I'm not good at tweeting n texting n updatin' Myspace||Chorus â€"||Bridge-|Love the beach, but bad at surfing|Got a job, but its ain't workin'|Like the fishin', can't catch nothin'|Dinners burnin' in the oven'again||(Break down chorus)|But I'm good...|Ya I swear I'm good||Chorus out-|I'm good'.ohhh ohhh loving you loving you ohhh ohhh I'm tellin' you|Ohhh ||(talking in the background ideas)||'Ya know I'm not good at calling ppl back. I'm pretty late for church on Sundays...man I'm not that good at remembering anything I'm scared what's gonna happen when I'm like old and stuff...ohh man I really ain't good at...ahhh forget it haha' ||