I wanna F*ck you Baby!!! Deep inside, deep inside of you
My wett serpent Tonge, wana lick you sweet pussy lips
I get in hot, I get in large, I get in strong
give you, more more more
Your tits are hard and your c*nt is hot
Wanna wanna wanna F*ck you Baby!!!
Late down in Red Velvet, stain for your blood
I touch and lick and sucket, and the woom make me God
Sweat meat smashing, punpin up my cock,
give you more, like a Dog , until you cum
Tell me and take you everywere, Tell me and F*ck you every day
Your Blood drunk my sences...
Tell me and take you everywere, Tell me and F*ck you every day
I want your Blood , every drop.
I Suck your Blood!!!
Wanna wanna wanna F*ck you Baby!!!
In a Holy Orgasm, Venus come down to me
and kiss my charge of intoxicate Semen
and your back, you feel my cock in your Ass
Rabbit Furs in the floor,Voluptuos choke