A mothers sigh a baby's first cry
You're breathing life there is no why
Love is what brought you into this life
Give and let thrive thank love your alive
Love is what brought you into this life.
Child so sweet we finally meet
Please don't weep it's time to sleep
Pop's gonna sing you a lullaby
Sweety don't cry I'm right by your side
Pop's gonna sing you a lullaby.
Way up high there's a cloud in the sky
Fluffy its fields with colors so bright
Flower buds bursting with love
Rainbows take off in colors of love
Rainbows fly in colors of love
Way up high there's a cloud in the sky
Fluffy its fields with colors so bright
Pop's gonna sing you a lullaby
Baby don't cry I'm right by your side
Pop's gonna sing you a lullaby
I'll sing about
Jesus, Ghandi, Folke Bernadotte, Dag
Hammarskjoeld, Lumumba,
JFK, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King,
John Lennon, Palme and Rabin.
Love is what brought us into this life